Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hugh Nibley: “If you pray for an angel to visit you, you know what he’ll do if he comes. He’ll just quote the scriptures to you—so you’re wasting your time waiting for what we already have.”

I love this quote from our readings online and it really made me think.  Many people pray for a manifestation or an angel to come to them and to tell them that God is real and that faith is sure.  This quote assures all that the scriptures hold everything we need in them and more.  The rest of the talk was excellent but this was my favorite part.

Brigham Young said: “There is no music in hell, for all good music belongs to heaven.”24 It would be punishment enough to go to hell and not hear a note of music for all eternity.

This quote just speaks to me because I love music and I could never live without it.  I think constantly about what a world without music or sound would be like and I shudder at the prospect.

The paper about Indian culture is also very interesting.  The idea that organization just creates chaos is really mind-boggling.  But I do believe that organization is good in many ways.  For instance, the Church could not run as it does without the organization that it has now and maybe, if everyone lived like the Indians, it would be ok but not everyone does and so organization keeps things running.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Those are great quotes...I love them too! Sounds like this class really covers several areas of learning @ BYU. Miss you!